Level im krav maga

Student ranks are represented by patches that indicate their current level.

Our ranks are structured into five Practitioner levels, five Graduate levels and five Expert levels. Each level has a specific 
curriculum and requirements.In addition, there are three Master levels (Imi granted up to Master 3 / Expert 8). Specific 
requirements, but no curriculum, were associated with these levels. 

Climbing from one level to the next in the Practitioner and Graduate levels takes about half a year of consistent training. 
It takes between one to four years to pass from one Expert level to the next.

KMG grants its students relevant certification diplomas for Practitioner, Graduate, Expert and Master levels.

In addition we grant three kinds of instructor diplomas: Civilian Instructor; Military Instructor; and Law Enforcement Instructor. For each sector, we offer several different sector-specific courses. For example, in the civilian sector we offer: the General Instructors Course (GIC); the Combat and Fighting Instructors Course (CFIC); the Kids and Teens Instructors Course; and more. We also award Fighter and Warrior diplomas upon the successful completion of our Fighter and Warrior courses. These training programs are geared toward the law enforcement, military, security and VIP protection sectors. 

Click here to view the diplomas awarded to graduates of the various KMG training programs, and the patches awarded upon completion of the various training levels.